You can hardly miss the fact that there are important elections on Thursday 2nd May. If so, I’m sure you will be reminded over the next few weeks.
Firstly, there are important local council elections. This year, across North Tyneside elections are all out – meaning you elect 3 ward councillors because of ward boundary changes.
Secondly, we will elect the first ever North East Mayor taking in 7 local authorities across the region.
Thirdly, we will elect a new Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner.
There were strong rumours of a General Election on the same day but the Prime Minister pulled back. The polls remain dire for his divided and fractious party which may explain his hesitation to act. But if the local elections go badly for the Prime Minister, he may be out of options and out of time, forcing him to call a General Election before the summer or risk being removed as leader and Prime Minister.
Some voters will choose to use the local elections not just to send a message to the Government but to try to force the Prime Minister’s hand. Of course local elections are also about local issues which added together makes these elections more important than might have been the case.
If you are not registered to vote you can still sign up. Many people are choosing to vote by post. Lots of things in busy lives can get between voters and voting in person. Registering to vote and getting a postal vote are easy. You can sign to register to vote at
You can sign up for a postal vote at
Make sure your voice is heard.
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