I was proud to speak at the launch of the North Shields 800 – a year long celebration of the 800th Anniversary of North Shields.

Just over a year ago our Mayor Norma Redfearn asked me to chair a group to plan the celebrations. We brought together people and groups from across our local community, each one representing part of the wider community of North Shields.

My thanks to the group and all those present.

Many of the celebrations will be new, some existing events will be badged and some previous events like the blessing of the fleet will return. It will be a celebration of our history, the story of who we currently are but also showcase the future potential of our area.

It coincides with the regeneration of our town which is underway. The regeneration and the celebrations will no doubt attract their critics but that cannot thwart the ambition we have for our area.

I look forward to a year of celebration and look forward to joining in the events throughout 2025 as we aim to show our pride in our community.

Alan Campbell MP at the launch of the NS800
Alan Campbell MP at the launch of the NS800
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