Today I spoke with Northumbria Police Chief Constable Vanessa Jardine about the criminality and thuggery which is currently blighting some communities across our region.
I expressed my support and gratitude for all her officers are doing to restore calm and order and to bring swift and severe consequences for those who break the law.
I was reassured that regular deployment of officers will continue but there will of course be additional resources where disorder is threatened as well as additional officers to make sure public transport, particularly on the Metro system, is safe. There is a great deal of misinformation out there – please do not amplify it because it risks making the police’s job more difficult.
Finally some people may be tempted to go along to protests either to see what is happening or to take part in a counter protest. Please do not do so – stay away. You run the risk of being caught up in the violence and making the police’s work harder.
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