This week I met with small businesses and their representatives at an event hosted by Sage to discuss ways of getting more growth in the North East economy and how best they can work with Mayors.

We said that growth was the number one priority of this Government and we know that achieving growth requires the maximum effort of the whole of Government.

The Department for Education’s job is to make sure we have a skilled workforce, DHCLG to get the houses we need, Transport to improve road and rail infrastructure and Defra and Energy to ensure the water and power for the businesses of the future.

After years of stagnation there’s a real opportunity to get the economy growing again from which jobs and money in people’s pockets will flow and with which we can pay for the public services we all depend on.

But that needs a change of mindset.

Last week the Chancellor opened the door to a third runway at Heathrow.  Heathrow is the nearest we have to a national airport and regional airports like Newcastle will benefit from increased slots to link up with international destinations.

Environmental targets are hugely important but across the world there’s a growing demand from people for flights for business, going on holiday and meeting up with family.

The Devolution Bill will soon extend Mayors across the country and enrich their powers.  Decisions can then be made nearer to where they have effect and businesses can get on doing what they do best – growing the economy – from which we will all ultimately benefit.


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