Last week the Government said the local elections in May will go ahead as planned though “the situation is being kept under review”. I hope that optimism is not misplaced.
There are a lot of elections due this spring. Some were held over from last year when the country was in lock down. The elections include Elected Mayors including ours and local councillors in Metropolitan areas and County council seats. But there are also national contests in Scotland and Wales and Police and Crime Commissioners need to be elected. In short, virtually everyone will have a vote in what looks like a mini General Election.
The elections may be local, but they will have national impact and there is a lot at stake for the political parties. Although they are local elections inevitably, they become verdicts on national parties and leaders, on The Prime Minister on his handling of the pandemic and the economy and the new Labour leader after his first year in post.
Some people already choose to vote by post. It means voting safely, from home, and makes sure your voice is heard. It also helps to increase turnout which is a good thing. These have been awful times, and we’re not through it yet. Politics has rightfully taken a back seat to working in the national interest. The time will come in May or a little later, when we can start thinking about what our community and country can be like, going forward.
Applying for an early vote is easy by going online to download a form…/publications/apply-for-a-postal-vote then posting it back to North Tyneside Council.
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